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Last updated December 2018

Comparative Developmental Psychology

Cornell Writing in the Majors Seminar, Spring 2018

I independently designed, developed, and taught this seminar for students enrolled in Developmental Psychology. This was the first ever Writing in the Majors seminar for Developmental Psychology at Cornell, a series of courses offered across departments intended to focus on teaching students to write effectively within the field of their major. The class was limited to 14 students, mostly sophomores, and was based heavily on discussion, debate, and hands-on in-class participation and experimentation. We expanded basic principles of developmental psychology into a comparative framework, discussing topics such as motor development, prenatal learning, vocal development, empathy, numerosity, theory of mind, memory development, parental influences, and ontogenetic adaptations across species. Students were encouraged to learn about development by considering its underlying mechanisms and evolutionary history, in order to understand the relevance of comparative research to the study of human development.

Comparative Cognition

Cornell University Seminar, Fall 2016

I designed, developed, and taught this seminar as an optional discussion course for students enrolled in Introduction to Psychology. Enrollment was limited to 10 students across two sections, mostly freshmen. The course focused primarily on in-class discussion and writing assignments, expanding basic cognitive psychology principles across species.

Teaching Assistant for Developmental Psychology

Cornell University, Spring 2017

Developmental Psychology is a lecture-based class taught annually, with a typical enrollment of 70 students. The class has two prelim exams, a final exam, and four writing assignments. TA duties primarily consisted of grading these assignments, proctoring exams, and answering student questions after class and in office hours.

Guest Lecturing

Freshman Writing Seminar 1130: Parental Care: Animal Survival and Social Learning, Cornell University Psychology Department, Fall 2017


BIONB 4200: Evolution of Acoustic Communication, Cornell University Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Fall 2016


BIONB 4260: Animal Communication, Cornell University Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, 2015-2016

Undergraduate Biology Mentor, Williams College, 2008-2010

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©2018 by Samantha Carouso-Peck, Photography by Michael Goldstein.

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